Black Clover Wiki

Magic Knights Entrance Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Asta vs Revchi Asta vs. Revchi Salik Asta is victorious
Asta and Sekke - Exam Battle Asta vs. Sekke Bronzazza Asta is victorious
Yuno vs. Salim Hapshass Yuno is victorious
Cage of Infinite Hail Asta, Magna Swing, and Noelle Silva vs. Heath Graice Asta, Magna Swing, and Noelle Silva are victorious

Dungeon Exploration Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Lotus encounters Luck Voltia Luck Voltia vs. Lotus Whomalt Asta interferes with the fight
Golden Dawns vs Mars Klaus Lunettes and Yuno vs. Mars Asta interferes with the fight
The Black Bulls trapped in smoke clouds Luck Voltia, Asta, and Noelle Silva vs. Lotus Whomalt Lotus Whomalt escapes the fight
Asta vs Mars Asta vs. Mars Yuno interferes and defeats Mars

Royal Capital Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Asta vs. 3 Asta vs. Alecdora Sandler, Nebra Silva, and Solid Silva Nozel Silva and Fuegoleon Vermillion interfere with the fight
Rades sends corpses toward Asta Asta vs. Rades Spirito Fuegoleon Vermillion interferes with the fight
Yuno evading bullets of ashes Yuno vs. Catherine Yuno is victorious
Fuegoleon easily defeats Carl Fuegoleon Vermillion vs. Rades Spirito Fuegoleon Vermillion is victorious
Reinforcements arrive for Rades Asta and Leopold Vermillion vs. Eye of the Midnight Sun Magic Knights interfere with the fight
Julius vs. Eye of the Midnight Sun Julius Novachrono vs. Eye of the Midnight Sun Julius Novachrono is victorious

Eye of the Midnight Sun Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Asta vs. Gauche Asta vs. Gauche Adlai Rebecca Scarlet interferes with the fight
Snow Cry Gauche Adlai vs. Neige Gauche Adlai is victorious
Asta, Gauche, and Theresa vs Sally and Baro Asta, Gauche Adlai, and Theresa Rapual vs. Sally and Baro Asta, Gauche Adlai, and Theresa Rapual are victorious
Yami vs. Licht Yami Sukehiro vs. Licht Yami Sukehiro is victorious
Asta vs. Valtos Asta vs. Valtos Asta is victorious
Yami vs. Third Eye Yami Sukehiro vs. Rhya, Vetto, and Fana Nozel Silva, Charlotte Roselei, and Jack the Ripper interfere with the fight
3 Captains vs. Third Eye Jack the Ripper, Nozel Silva, and Charlotte Roselei vs. Rhya, Vetto, and Fana Rhya, Vetto, and Fana escape the fight
Asta hits Gueldre Asta and Rill Boismortier vs. Gueldre Poizot Gueldre Poizot is captured

Seabed Temple Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Four Black Bulls vs. Four Priests Asta, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, and Gauche Adlai vs. Four Priests Asta, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, and Gauche Adlai are victorious
Mother Lullaby Charmy Pappitson vs. Kahono Kahono is victorious
Asta vs. Kiato Asta vs. Kiato The fight is discontinued
Noelle vs. Kahono Noelle Silva vs. Kahono The fight is discontinued
Gio vs. Vetto Gio vs. Vetto Vetto is victorious
Magna and Luck vs. Vetto Magna Swing and Luck Voltia vs. Vetto Vetto is victorious
Asta and Kiato vs. Vetto Asta and Kiato vs. Vetto Noelle Silva and Kahono interfere with the fight
Gauche and Grey vs. Zarick Gauche Adlai and Grey vs. Zarick Gauche Adlai and Grey are victorious
Gauche, Gray, and Charmy vs. Zuta Gauche Adlai, Grey, and Charmy Pappitson vs. Zuta Gauche Adlai, Grey, and Charmy Pappitson are victorious
Kiato and Kahono vs. Vetto Kiato and Kahono vs. Vetto Vetto is victorious
Noelle vs. Vetto Noelle Silva vs. Vetto Asta interferes with the fight
Asta, Finral, and Vanessa vs Vetto Asta, Vanessa Enoteca, and Finral Roulacase vs. Vetto Asta, Vanessa Enoteca, and Finral Roulacase are victorious
Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash Yami Sukehiro vs. Vetto Yami Sukehiro is victorious

Witches' Forest Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Yuno vs Ragus Yuno vs. Ragus Yuno is victorious
William Vangeance vs Broccos William Vangeance vs. Broccos William Vangeance is victorious
Black Bull vs Yagos Asta, Finral Roulacase, and Charmy Pappitson vs. Yagos Asta, Finral Roulacase, and Charmy Pappitson are victorious
Asta vs. Eye of the Midnight Sun Asta vs. Eye of the Midnight Sun members Asta is victorious
Noelle defends against Salamander Asta, Vanessa Enoteca, Finral Roulacase, and Noelle Silva vs. Fana Asta, Vanessa Enoteca, Finral Roulacase, and Noelle Silva are victorious
Fanzell faces the Diamond Kingdom army Fanzell Kruger, Dominante Code, Mariella, and Witches vs. Diamond Kingdom Army Ladros interferes with the fight
Fanzell and Mars vs Ladros Fanzell Kruger and Mars vs. Ladros Ladros is forced to leave
Asta and Mars vs Fana Asta and Mars vs. Fana Asta and Mars are victorious
Asta vs Ladros Asta vs. Ladros Asta is victorious
Vanessa vs. Witch Queen Vanessa Enoteca vs. Witch Queen Vanessa Enoteca is victorious

Royal Knights Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Team A vs. Team B Team A vs. Team B Team B is victorious
Team C vs. Team D Team C vs. Team D Team C is victorious
Team E vs. Team F Team E vs. Team F Team E is victorious
Team G vs. Team H Team G vs. Team H Team G is victorious
Deux Tempetes of Ice and Fire Team I vs. Team J Team I is victorious
Team K vs. Team L Team K vs. Team L Team K is victorious
Team O vs. Team P Team O vs. Team P Team P is victorious
Team B vs Team C Team B vs. Team C Team B is victorious
Team E vs Team G Team E vs. Team G Team G is victorious
Team B vs Team G Team B vs. Team G Match ends in tie
Team I vs Team K Team I vs. Team K Team I is victorious
Team M vs. Team P Team P is victorious
Team I vs Team P Team I vs. Team P Team P is victorious
Mereoleona vs Rhya Mereoleona Vermillion vs. Rhya Lira interrupts
Michael attacks Black Bulls Gauche Adlai, Gordon Agrippa, Grey, and Henry Legolant vs. Rades Spirito and Sally Valtos retrieves magic stone; Eye of the Midnight Sun retreats
Julius vs Patolli Julius Novachrono vs. Patolli Patolli retrieves the magic stones; Julius Novachrono dies

Elf Reincarnation Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Four-Headed Lindworm Asta, Zora Ideale, and Mereoleona Vermillion vs. Lira Three elves interrupt; Mereoleona Vermillion throws Asta and Zora Ideale out of the room
Mereoleona challenges five elves Mereoleona Vermillion vs. Five Elves Asta and Zora Ideale interrupt
Sylph threatens elves Asta and Yuno vs. Two Elves Asta and Yuno are victorious
Asta Yuno vs Licht Asta and Yuno vs. Licht Licht is victorious
Asta and Yuno vs Elf Asta and Yuno vs. Elf Asta and Yuno are victorious
Magna and Vanessa find Luck Magna Swing, Vanessa Enoteca, and Asta vs. Rufel Magna Swing, Vanessa Enoteca, and Asta are victorious
Raging Black Bull Cannons Black Bulls vs. Three Elves Black Bulls are victorious
Yami vs Marx Owen Yami Sukehiro vs. Two Elves Yami Sukehiro is victorious
Briar sword Yami Sukehiro vs. Charla Yami Sukehiro is buried; Charla leaves
TBA Gueldre Poizot and Revchi vs. Elf Gueldre Poizot and Revchi are victorious
TBA Crimson Lions vs. Elf Fuegoleon Vermillion interrupts
Salamander's Breath Fuegoleon Fuegoleon Vermillion vs. Elf Fuegoleon Vermillion is victorious
Yami and Jack vs Elves Yami Sukehiro and Jack the Ripper vs. Four Elves Yami and Jack are victorious
Another Atlas Nozel Silva and Noelle Silva vs. Kivn Nozel and Noelle are victorious
TBA Noelle Silva, Nozel Silva, and Zora vs. Elves Noelle, Nozel, and Zora are victorious
Finral warps back Yami and Jack Finral Roulacase, Yami Sukehiro, and Jack the Ripper vs. Ratri Finral, Yami, and Jack are victorious
Glamour World Reve Vanessa Enoteca, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, Charmy Pappitson, and Sally vs. Reve Vanessa, Magna, Luck, Charmy, and Sally are victorious
Violett Schirm Asta, Grey, Gordon Agrippa, and Henry Legolant vs. Drowa and Eclat Asta, Grey, Gordon, and Henry are victorious
Charmy offers Lira food Charmy Pappitson vs. Lira Charmy is victorious
Noelle outflanks Fana Noelle Silva and Jack the Ripper vs. Fana Zagred's magic interrupts the fight
TBA Mereoleona Vermillion vs. Vetto Mereoleona is victorious
TBA Asta, Yuno, and Nozel Silva vs. Zagred and Patolli Asta, Yuno, and Nozel defeat Patolli; Zagred escapes
Zagred summons giant monsters Humans and Elves vs. Zagred Humans and elves are victorious; Zagred is slain
Noelle, Finral and Mimosa fight Gadjah Noelle Silva, Finral Roulacase, and Mimosa Vermillion vs. Gadjah Gadjah admits that it was a test
Asta faces Water Knights Asta and Secre Swallowtail vs. Undine and Lolopechka Lolopechka admits it was a test

Heart Kingdom Joint Struggle Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Yuno vs Gaderois Yuno vs. Gaderois Godroc Yuno is victorious
Foyal traps Klaus with illusions Klaus Lunettes, Letoile Becquerel, and Yuno vs. Foyal Migusteau Klaus Lunettes, Letoile Becquerel, and Yuno are victorious
Beelzebub anime profile Yuno, Klaus Lunettes, and Letoile Becquerel vs. Zenon Zogratis Zenon is victorious
Dante levitates Black Bull base Black Bulls vs. Dante Zogratis Black Bulls are victorious; Zenon captures Yami
Luck vs Svenkin Luck Voltia vs. Svenkin Gatard Svenkin explodes
Leopold vs Sivoir Leopold Vermillion vs. Sivoir Snyle Sivoir explodes
Charmy vs Halbet Charmy Pappitson vs. Halbet Chevour Halbet explodes
Secre seals Vanica Lolopechka, Noelle Silva, and Secre Swallowtail vs. Vanica Zogratis and Megicula Vanica is victorious; Lolopechka is taken hostage

Spade Kingdom Raid Arc[]

Illustration Fight Outcome
Asta vs Liebe Asta vs. Liebe Asta is victorious
Katana releases flying slash Asta and Liebe vs. Nacht Faust Asta and Liebe are victorious
Nacht vs Lilith and Nahamah Nacht Faust vs. Lilith and Nahamah Lilith and Nahamah are victorious
Demon-Destroyer Sword neutralizes Lilith and Nahamah Asta and Liebe vs. Lilith and Nahamah Asta and Liebe are victorious
Soul Chain Deathmatch Magna Swing vs. Dante Zogratis Magna is victorious